Furniture Redesign: Evaluating the Perfect Furniture Legs to Use

July 27, 2018

Furniture aesthetics can be tricky, especially if one is used to the idea of buying pre-made furniture. While store-bought furniture can be appealing, with its own unique charm, customised furniture can be designed to meet any specific design style one is after.

While many people desire custom furniture for their homes, these have a reputation for being expensive. Because of this, many people refrain from considering them as an option to replace their old or worn-out furniture. Did you know, it is possible to modify your pre-existing furniture, as a less expensive alternative to buying new furniture?

Evaluating the Perfect Furniture Legs to Use When Redesigning Furniture

If you have pre-existing furniture that is past it’s time, there are ways to bring it back to life by redesigning it. One of the most common ways to redesign old furniture is to modify or customise its legs. This might not seem like much, but this little change can spell the difference between blasé furnishings and eye-catching conversation pieces. The trick is to find out how to do it properly!

Because furniture legs are the last thing people ever think about when they consider furniture (more often than not they worry about the upholstery first), a lot of customised ones suffer from the unfortunate disadvantage of having ugly legs.

If you’re looking to modify furniture to give it new life, or if you have some broken furniture that might still be serviceable with a little tweaking of the aesthetics, them here are some excellent tips to ensure that you choose the right furniture legs for your redesigning project:

• Consider the era
– some furniture are distinctly dated. That is to say, one can immediately tell which era they were made at first glance. While one might be tempted to ‘update’ an antique furniture’s legs with more ‘modern’ aesthetics, this can be detrimental if you already have an elegant piece that just needs a little revamping. If your furniture boasts simple, unadorned legs, but it comes from an era that is notorious for wonderfully carved ones, opt for the latter and watch your old piece come to life with renewed vibrancy.

• Understand the delicate nature of contrasts – some contrasting aesthetics look wonderful. For example, reinforced glass furniture with metal legs have a futuristic appeal, and wood and wrought iron is rugged yet elegant. If you’re considering going for contrasts with your modification, make sure that it is aesthetically complimentary.

• Consider its structure – some furniture can benefit greatly from legs that provide added structural integrity. If you have hardwood furniture, or if you feel like it might need a little bolstering-up, let your modification revolve around reinforcement, but make sure it ties in well enough with the overall aesthetics of your piece.